Friday, December 9, 2011

Why I am Leaving the ACE Dental Forum

I have been a member of the ACE Dental Forum since it was started about 10 years ago. It is always wonderful to have like minded colleagues to bounce ideas off of, learn about new treatment options or materials or simply to relieve stress by complaining about an 'unreasonable' patient who tried to ruin our day.

I was one of the most frequent presenters of actual dental cases that I had completed and much of my work was very well received by my colleagues. In fact, many of my blogs contain actual (unsolicited) comments by other ACE members.

A few days ago one of our young colleagues asked for help on how to do back teeth root canals from members of the Forum but she was unwilling to accept a suggestion that she take more root canal courses. In other words..."Please tell me the quick and easy solution to a most complex problem."

The oldest members of the Forum (which includes me, of course) told her that there were no shortcuts to becoming a master in dentistry but that time, education, dedication and passion would allow her to reach her goals in dentistry.(The old fashioned way to become successful.)

Another dentist and I were accused of hurting this young dentist's feelings and treating her like she was back in dental school.

The other old dentist defended himself but I offered my resignation to the ACE Forum.

Despite what young people today think, there are no short cuts to becoming world class or becoming successful. Learning everything you can, dedicated practice, caring about your patients and hard work is what made a great dentist and, in fact, is what made America GREAT.

What does this mean to you? It means that other dentists won't be saying a lot of nice things about my work and what I do for you. Rest assured, I still intend to get to my next level of excellence so that I can take care of you the best way that I can. I just won't have a 'cheering' squad (my colleagues) behind me.

And what did a master ceramists say when he saw that I was leaving the Forum?

Dear Dr Benjamin,
Hi. I will miss seeing your beautiful dentistry on ACE dental forum. If you post on any other forum please let me know so that I can follow your threads.

It cannot get any better than that.