Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Most Common Questions

I have been asked the same questions throughout my career:

1. What are you doing HERE?  (Especially when I was in Cropseyville, NY)
2. Does my insurance cover this?
3. What am I going too when you retire?

No one has asked me about my location since I moved to Saratoga Springs. My move has been good for both me and my patients. Very few of my patients ask me about insurance today because everyone knows that I want to do the best clinical dentistry that I can and insurance usually covers the minimally acceptable treatment.

The third question is the most interesting to me because patients would ask me that question starting when I was a relatively young dentist. Even more interesting is that the majority of patients who asked me that question when I was younger have long ago FIRED me. As my current patients have watched me get older, they have become realistically concerned that they would need to find a new dentist in the near future and I would like to address that.

I am doing the BEST clinical dentistry of my career at this moment and I want to continue to do this level of dentistry for many years. That said, I am very concerned that my patients continue to receive the level of care that they are receiving now and I will do everything possible to make sure that they will receive great care in the future. I have started to meet with many younger (40+) dentists to determine which dentists might be interested in developing their passion, skill and education so that they will be capable of delivering fine dental care to my current patients. The dentist that assumes my practice will join me In the near future (3-4 years)  to begin  their intense education in the area of fixing teeth and restoring implants at a very high level.

I do not want you to worry about who will care for you when it is time for me to retire. I promise you that I will do everything possible to make sure that you are will have a talented, caring and ethical person to care of you in the future.

You know how much I care for my patients.