Sunday, May 17, 2015

And They Paid No Federal Income Tax

This is the Forbes  top earning Hedge Fund Mangers:

These five Americans earned SIX BILLON DOLLARS among them and paid NO Federal Income Tax, No Social Security Tax and No Medicare Tax (1.65% of 1 Billion dollars IS a lot of money)
Up until a few years ago, they only paid 15% Capital Gains tax; now they pay 23% Capital Gains Tax.
No one likes to pay taxes but when the super wealthy don't pay taxes that means that the average working guy...YOU AND ME... have to make up the shortfall...

Do you REALLY want to help a rich guy?

RankName2014 Earnings ($mil)Company
#1 Steve Cohen$1.3 BPoint72 Asset Management
#2 Ray Dalio$1.2 BBridgewater Associates
#2 George Soros$1.2 BSoros Fund Management LLC
#4 William Ackman$1.1 BPershing Square Capital Management, L.P.
#4 Ken Griffin$1.1 BCitadel LLC