Friday, September 25, 2015

Cheating is Stealing

The head of a peanut company that KNOWINGLY sold tainted peanuts (salmonella) to producers of peanut products was just sentenced to 28 years in prison.

The CEO of Volkswagen resigned yesterday when the company admitted that it installed  technology in it's diesel cars that proved that emissions were clean.

This week a young investment guy buys up drug companies and then raises the price from $13.50 to $750 per pill.

So why does business feel that it has to cheat to make a profit? The answer is that it doesn't.

The above examples are grand scale examples of companies that break the law because they want MORE PROFIT than the market wants to pay them.

Most criminality in business is of the nickel and dime variety.  When outside forces prevent an industry from earning an honest profit, the industry will 'find a way' to make a profit even though they never had any intention to cross the line into unethical behavior.

Insurance companies come to mind. They don't want physicians or dentists to make a livable profit and they do this by reducing 'benefit payments' every single year. Many dentists who participate  agree to take less and less money EVEN THOUGH IT IS BELOW THE COST OF DOING BUSINESS.

So something has to 'give.'

If dentists are not paid fairly to place direct bonded resin fillings, then many of those teeth will receive a crown or an onlay which potentially destroys tooth structure (stealing your enamel) and costs 4-5 times what a filling costs (stealing your money.)


Because they are just trying to survive...just like everyone else.

Your insurance company is NOT your friend.