Sunday, October 18, 2015

Evidence Based Dentistry

Dental Schools and Insurance companies don't like composite (resin) fillings that I have placed for almost a quarter of a century.  Many Dental Schools still teach the same material that they taught to me almost 43 years ago (Mercury dentistry). And your Insurance company only wants to pay for the cheapest materials so that their greedy CEO  can make his  FORTY MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.

So what do the schools and insurance company tell you so that they do not have to pay for resin fillings (white fillings) which take much more time, talent and skill? The tell you that there is no Evidence Based Studies to show that resin fillings last a long time...

Oh really?????

Well I have some Evidence Based Dentistry for them. I placed the resin filling in the bottom tooth TWENTY YEARS AGO and when I removed it because my patient had a food trap between the gold crown and the last tooth, the inside of the tooth was totally clean  and white. I left a little resin for my photo so that no one could say that I removed evidence of a leaking filling.) The top photo shows a tooth with leakage which is black that was under the silver mercury filling that was placed more than 20 years ago.

You be the judge. Which tooth is clean and white? The tooth that had the 20 year old resin bonded filling.

We now have evidence based dentistry that shows that resin fillings will last at least 20 year AND unlike with mercury fillings, does not cause small cracks in your teeth that ultimately lead to crowns.
 Totally white and clean under 20 year  old resin