Monday, October 12, 2015

The Evidence Keeps Mounting

About two years ago, I was sufficiently brave to make some pretty conclusive statements based on my extensive almost 4 decade career.

First: All silver mercury fillings should be replaced at the 20 year mark because the metal starts to leak and allow tooth decay to start up under the filling and severely weakening the tooth

Second: All crowns should be replaced at the 20-25 year mark because the metal starts to leak and sometimes the crown cannot be replaced with another crown and the tooth must be pulled.

The top photo shows what I found under an old crown as soon as I tooth the crown off: mush.
The bottom photo shows what the tooth looks like after all the tooth decay (aka: mush) was removed.

The truth is that there was virtually no tooth left to place a crown on and I recommended that the tooth be removed and an implant and crown placed.  Oh yes....I could have placed a crown on this tooth and it would have lasted a year or two and when it broke off at the gum like, I would have told that patient that she is a grinder and that is why the crown failed...This is done every day.

I will not take your money if I can't give you value.  My ethics, my integrity and the personal relationship that I have with my patients prevents me taking money that I do not deserve.

What should you take away from this blog?  Be proactive in replacing your old dentistry.It is a lot less costly (a new crown: $1600 and an implant and crown: $5,000+