Sunday, March 15, 2020

Cut Rate Dentistry is NOT Better than no Dentistry

I see that a local dentist is advertising implants for $1,000.

Personally, I would not have discount dentistry using cheap implants from Korea or China.

 Not in my mouth.

Several years ago one of the labs used a non-proprietary implant screw to hold the post to the implant and all of the cheap screws came lose which meant that I had to start from scratch at no charge to the patient.

I contacted the lab and told them that under no circumstances were they to use non proprietary  parts. A PROPRIETARY SCREW  is made to specific high standards with assurances of quality. A knock off screw has no assurances other than it will be cheap.

It is your body and your choice.

You know my standard: If you were MY BROTHER, this is what I would do.