Saturday, March 14, 2020

Not In My Office (NOT POLITICAL)

One of the headlines this morning on CNN said:

White House MD: Trump doesn't need to be quarantined after interactions with 2 people who tested positive for coronavirus

I would bet a year's pay that the physician allowed his patient to tell him what good medical practice is when he refused the recommendation to quarantine.

In our office, my patient is my boss EXCEPT when he or she is hesitant to do the right thing to address infection or function. (Aside: this means that I rarely mention Cosmetic Dentistry to any of my long time patients because a great smile is NOT essential to their health.)

If a patient ignores my recommendations for important dental HEALTH issues, I will ask them to leave our practice.  

MY JOB is to take care of my patients and if someone doesn't want to do that, they have almost a 1,000 dental offices to receive their dental care. 99% of my patients follow my recommendations.

If a new patient presents either as a regular dental patient or for a cosmetic consultation and they then go to another dentist for a second opinion,  I will not accept them as my patient. If a patient does not quickly see that I will ALWAYS PUT THEIR BEST INTEREST ABOVE MY OWN, they cannot stay in our office.

If I were the President's MD, I would have insisted on a Caronovirus test and/or quarantine.

Do it right of get someone else to take care of you.