Saturday, March 14, 2020

"You Don't Know How Good it is Not to Have a Toothache"

I met a person about 10 years ago and about 5 years ago, he became my patient. I noted that 3 or 4 of his crowns had come off and were missing and his teeth were very sensitive to cold. A few of his teeth needed root canals as was evident from the x-rays and he was referred to Root Canal Experts.

"I don't mind having a root canal, but will they be able to get me numb? Dentists don't get me numb enough and I feel everything."

My response as always was, "Don't worry, you are now in a different realm with Dr. Banchs and this office."

All the root canals were completed, all the  crowns were replaced after Dr. Banchs completed his work and the 30 year old mercury amalgam fillings were removed and replaced with strong bonded white filling.

And he NEVER felt a thing.

He was in for a cleaning and a filling last week and I said, "It must be nice to have dental problems all the time" to which he responded, "You don't know how good it is not to have a toothache."

Finding people who believe and practice excellence to take care of you is extremely important to your health and happiness. Don't believe that a dentist is a dentist and a surgeon is a surgeon.  Like every profession there is the good, the bad and the exceptional dentist.

Choose excellence.