Monday, March 23, 2020

Making Things Better: Not Political

This is what I wrote in the Digital Comment section of the NY Times in comments about Thomas Friedman's column.

The Federal Government knows how much taxes each person has paid over the last year and it knows the business account that the money was sent to. Tomorrow morning everyone who earns under $4 million a year will have all of their tax money returned and immediately distributed by their employers. The money is returned to the taxpayer and in, effect, no one will have been laid off and no one will have missed a paycheck. In addition, employers agree to keep all employees and everyone returns to work in 10 days. I too agree that the saving of a relatively few lives is not worth the collapse of the entire economy which will take years to return to normal. Life is not without risk but far more people will die from depression, suicide, drug addiction and wife and child abuse than died of the virus in the next few years if we don't return to work.

Sometimes we need just a little of perspective:

Americans who have died from the flu this season : 16,000

Americans who have died from the Coronavirus to date: 484

Do I think that the Coronavirus is a health issue? 
I do not think that the United States was prepared for a Pandemic.

 In 2010 Bill Gates warned that America would face a Pandemic and was woefully under prepared.

In Early January our INTEL COMMUNITY told the White House that it needed to prepare for a Pandemic based on information gathered from China. (Washington Post, 3/20/20)

Do I have all the answers???? NO!!!!!!
And no one would ask me anyway.