Monday, March 8, 2010

"Excellence" in 10 Minutes

Excellence in 10 minutes is an oxymoron if I ever heard one. An oxymoron is when you combine two terms that don't go together such as 'excellence' in a small amount of time...Excellence IS EXCELLENCE even if it takes all day to achieve.
Why am I making a big deal about this?
A few days ago I spoke with a patient who told me that he went for his regular colonoscopy and when he awoke, he was told that the doctor had perforated his intestines, a life threatening event. The New York Times ran a front page story a couple of years ago stating that many GI specialists were spending only 10 minutes performing a colonoscopy but those GI specialists who took 30 minutes found 3 times the amount of polyps.If time is about money...then what we are seeing is that doctors and dentists are doing "the best they can" as FAST as they can...Is that an oxymoron or what?
Some dentists do the exact same thing; the 59 minute root canal or the 2 hour veneer case. What is the problem with this??? Failure or an unhappy patient is frequently the result. How long SHOULD a root canal take? Until the canal system of the tooth is absolutely clean. And how long should a veneer case take???All day if necessary to produce the desired functional and esthetic results
So where have we gone wrong? Everything has become about the MONEY. But you already knew that.