Friday, March 5, 2010

What Others Say About Our Work

I spoke with the designer of our new Saratoga office this afternoon just to keep in touch. Sue Barrett is one of the finest designers of beautiful dental offices in the United States. We chatted about the economy and she said that things appear to be turning around for her firm but she definitely sees less of a demand for palatial dental offices costing millions of dollars...Sanity is returning.
Towards the end of our conversation, she said to me that since she met Tricia and me, she has looked at cosmetic dentistry in an entirely new light. What she told me is that she sees lots of people walking around with 'cosmetic dentistry' but that is the problem...She can identify the artificial nature of the dentistry. Sue said that our office has set a new standard of excellence in cosmetic dentistry for its beauty and our ability to mimic the naturalness of nature.
I can think of no higher compliment for our work.
My job is give our patients the best possible dentistry with regards to fit, function and fabulous esthetics. I am honored when people in my profession or associated with the profession compliment our work.