Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It Is Happening Just Like I Said It Would

It is a very sad day for me. My good friend, Dr. AJ Monicelli retired from dentistry after 34 years of practice at the age of 60. Why did he leave a job that he was very good at and extremely well trained for? He too had spent more than a million dollars becoming an elite clinical dentist in Albion, NY, located half way between Buffalo and Rochester.

So why did my friend decide to leave?

Some would say that his neck and back had just become too painful to continue...but that would not be the truth. He is leaving because fewer and fewer people expect, demand,want and are willing to pay for excellent dental treatment. People want inexpensive, mediocre, insurance paid dentistry that starts to fail the minute they leave the dental office.

Dr. Monicelli retired because fewer and fewer people wanted him to restore their teeth and mouth the way they are supposed to be restored and after years of frustration and disappointment, he decided that the folks in his community were no longer worth his caring, concern and skill.

Trust me when I tell you that my profession cannot afford to lose one of the best. I told you a year ago that if we as a country refuse to buy excellence that it will cease to exist. And now there is an entire area of Upstate NY without an excellent dentist. I am sad about my friend AJ but I am also sad because I know that the same thing could happen to me