Friday, July 9, 2010

Can You Imagine This?

I received the following email from a relatively new patient that has rapidly become one of my favorite patients because she is intelligent, funny and loves the fact that I truly want to take care of her. I am posting only the first part of her email.

Dear Dr.-I value your opinion above any of my care providers. You are
extremely knowledgeable and informed, you care and you engage and involve
your patients in their care. Why can't everyone be like you?

Can you imagine this? In the eyes of my patient, her dentist cares more than her primary physician or her gynecologist. How can this be? And what does this say about our medical system EVEN BEFORE MR. OBAMA'S changes take full effect in 2014?

I grew up in the 1950s and 60s where doctors cared so much about their patients and teachers were on a pedestal with regards to stature and respect.

I am honored that my patient KNOWS that I truly want to take care of her but I am terribly disappointed that many doctors no longer care about each and everyone of their patients.

I care...I always have and as long as you place your trust in ME, I will do my best to treat you the best that I can.