Saturday, February 4, 2012

"Teach Your Children"

This is a song from Crosby,Stills,Nash and Young.

Last night Susan and I went to a marvelous jazz concert by Branford Marsalis. The audience, to quote Lee Iacoca when asked about Cadillac owners said, 'they are between 70 and death.' There were no children,no teenagers, no Generation X ers or even people in their 40s. Everyone was old like Susan and I...or older.

Two years ago, we went to the Williamstown Theater to see some live Summer Theater. The audience was half empty and would have been a funeral directors delight.

Something is wrong in our nation when we fail, in the words of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, "To Teach Our Children,"

The concept of finding Excellence in the people to take care of us is almost non existent with almost everyone (including people with means and highly intelligent folks) asking who 'takes my insurance?' rather than 'Who is the best?'

Our children are not being taught the ideas, concepts and principles that made America great and are still needed (in my opinion) to keep America strong. We need to teach our children that music and the arts are vital to our humanity and need to survive. That being smart in school is something to be proud of along with honesty and integrity.

It is disheartening to see empty seats when wonderful things are readily available to us...Teach your children.