Saturday, February 4, 2012

What the Komen Story Tells Us About Us

The Susan G. Komen Foundation has been at the forefront of Breast Cancer fundraising for cancer treatment and research for the past 3 decades. It was established to honor the memory of Susan by her sister Nancy Goodman Brinker.

Last week, the Komen Foundation publicly announced that it would no longer provide $700,000 to Planned Parenthood specifically for breast examinations. The reason was that certain folks did not want Komen to be associated with the abortion issue even though abortions are a VERY small part of what Planned Parenthood does.

In less than a work week, citizens from around the country contacted the Komen Foundation and withdrew their support and convinced the organization to reverse their decision to pay for breast exams for poor women.

What does this say about Komen and about us?
It says that the subjects of abortion and religion are beyond our ability to have reasonable and civil discourse even among intelligent and well meaning individuals.
We no longer can agree to disagree among honorable people.

As I have said for many years, "People make lousy human beings."
We need to work on this.