Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Patients Who Appreciate and Demand Excellence

A relatively new patient was in our office yesterday morning to have his teeth cleaned and have a check up. The patient has family in the Saratoga area but when I asked him whether he was spending time with his family, he told me that the only reason that he was in Saratoga was to see me.

You see, the patient had flown in from Baltimore for his dental appointment yesterday morning and was returning home right after his cleaning appointment. When I told him how honored I was to have him as a patient, he said, "When you find a great dentist, you stay with him.


The famous dentists in big cities that cater to the wealthy and the well known have always had patients fly into town just to have a dental appointment and many times on their own jets. I don't view myself as a "famous" dentist but we have a significant number of patients that travel hours just to to be treated in our office.

I am always honored when a patient selects our office for their dental treatment whether you live around the corner in Saratoga, in the Capital District, or travel from a great distance.

The passionate dentist who pursues excellence is usually not going to be around the corner from your home.