Monday, March 16, 2015


Healing can be divided into several equally important areas, some are measurable and some are not.
1. pain
2. bone healing around the new shoulder
3. sleeping
4. ability to concentrate/anxiety

Pain is tolerable during  the day without any pain meds. Night time  is a different story. My shoulder just aches and the pain meds never last as long as the period that they are prescribed for.

Bone healing is something that will be evaluated on my first post op check, Thursday in NYC after an x-ray is taken.

Sleeping remains a problem partly because of pain and partly because it is difficult to get comfortable

All anesthesia lingers in my body and makes me feel lousy. I can't concentrate on one thing for any length of time.I just get bored quickly which makes me anxious that I am not doing anything.

I hate the concept of retirement with each passing day. I need a purpose in my life and readingnewspapers, the internet and TV just don't do  it for me.

I thank you all for the thoughts, prayers and kind words.