Friday, March 27, 2015

It Doesn't Seem Possible

There is a story in the current issue of Dental Economics in which financial figures are presented that no dentist will refute:

"Since 2005, real income for general dentists has not kept pace with inflation and has fallen by 16.2%."

I know what you are thinking, "But your fees are the highest they have ever been and we are paying more than ever."


But none of the rise in the fees that you are paying has gone to me personally. 


What you are paying more for is rent, electricity, my dental supplies, higher taxes, lab fees, staff cost increases.

My PERSONAL income as Dental Economics has reported declined since 2005.  I pay MORE for everything in the office and I earn LESS.

Think about that when you ask me why things cost so much...Because I want to know the answer as well.