Friday, August 20, 2010

"But Why is Dentistry So Expensive?"

Everyone that knows me knows that dentistry is my passion. I will talk about dentistry any time someone wants to discuss the subject with me.I went to Scottsdale to study at the Spear Institute with my mentor Frank Spear.
I was spending my last night in Arizona at the Sheraton Downtown Hotel in Pheonix a few miles from the airport.The hostess informed the waiter that I was a vegetarian and would he suggest vegetarian items on the menu. He brought me my dinner without me actually ordering anything and as I was completing my meal, the waiter and I began a friedly chat. He asked me what I did for a living and I informed him that I was a dentist and without missing a beat he asked me 'Why does dentistry cost so much?'
Because I never want anyone to think badly about the profession that I love, I decided to just stick to 'the facts' and responded without any anger as I did not want to appear confrontational. I told the waiter who I found out was 53 that:
1. It cost $300,000 to attend either NYU Dental School or Colombia Dental School
2. A new dental practice can cost a minimum of one MILLION dollars.
3. That my post dental school graduate education has cost more than TWO million dollars.

Our conversation about the cost of dental treatment ended with my statements and he noded his head indicating that he understood.

There is NOTHING that a consumer can purchase that is used every day for 20-30 years that can cost as little as a $200 filling. NOTHING. I challenge you to buy ANYTHING else for $200, use it everyday and have it last 30 years.