Friday, October 22, 2010

And Then She Cried

Our television marketing during the last year has allowed us to meet many patients who have been desperately searching for a dentist with an expertise in the area of cosmetic dentistry or a dentist who is more concerned with taking care of their patient than the financial gain that can be made from dentistry.

I met a patient yesterday who is successful in her career but has always been affected by her obviously crooked smile. For years she has complained to her dentists that 'something is wrong' and they would tell her to 'get used to it.'

I think that most of you know that I will ALWAYS put my patient's best interest ahead of my financial gain. Because I have studied with some of the best dental specialists in the world including orthodontists and periodontists, I know that there are several causes for the canted or crooked smile. One cause is viral and another possible cause is trama in which one side simply stops growing while the other side grows normally as the child gets older and assumes an adult size head and face..

This patient will be referred to an orthodontist who will probably refer her to an oral surgeon. I told her that it is more important for her to learn about her problem before she decides which dental treatment approach she should follow.

I did a direct resin mockup for my patient which is a 'PREVIEW' of what the final outcome will be if she decides to have treatment. I showed my patient what she could look like if she has treatment and excused myself to check my hygiene patient leaving her to discuss her 'PREVIEW' with Tricia. When I returned, the box of tissues was on the counter and it was obvious that my patient had been crying.

She told me of her frustrations with convincing other dentists that she had a problem and this was the first time in her life that she had looked NORMAL and it was simply overwhelming for her.

I do not know whether this patient will have surgery and orthodontic treatment or whether I will be the treating dentist. What I do know is that my new patient knows that I am knowledgeable in my field and that she can trust me to do what is in her best interest.

Not bad for a one hour appointment..And then she cried.