Friday, October 22, 2010

Some Don't Like Us

When I was young, I played sports and ran track and cross country. I always tried my best but frequently failed to be as good as the best on our team. That said, I ADMIRED my team members for their athletic skills and I wanted to be just like them.

I told you that I have had two significant mentors in my career and more than a few minor mentors. I was NEVER jealous of my colleagues for being a better dentist than I was but I used THEIR talent and THEIR expertise to motivate and help ME become a better dentist for you, my patient.

In today's world and especially in the severe economic recession that we find ourselves, many dentists actually dislike other dentists who are pursuing excellence. Their feeling is "How dare Dr. so and so think that he is a better dentist than me. We are ALL good dentists."

I WANT to be like my mentors. I WANT to be a great dentist for my patients. I don't dislike anyone that is following the path to excellence EVEN if they are a better dentist than I am. It will only inspire ME to rise to my next level of excellence.

It reminds me of the L'Orell Commercial: "Don't Hate Me Because I Am Beautiful."