Friday, October 22, 2010

Two Decades of Knowing What is Best

The New York Times ran an article yesterday discussing that folks no longer wanted fake looking teeth if they were going to have cosmetic dentistry.(Here is the article)

As you know, I have been a dentist for almost 35 years and have been doing cosmetic dentistry (ALONG WITH GENERAL DENTISTRY) for almost 20 years. And for all of that time, the goal of Tricia, Jeanine and I has been to create the most beautiful BUT NATURAL looking smile that was, in reality, a one time piece of art only suitable for that particular patient. We always looked to the patient's facial features, their skin color, hair color, eye color, shape of their face etc. so that we could custom contour our teeth or porcelain to perfectly fit our patient. We are the ONLY dentist in the Capital District of NY and indeed one of the few dental offices nationally that customizes each piece of porcelain to create that perfect piece of dental art work. Here is a small piece of the article:

"But these days, there’s a growing demand for painstakingly customized, natural-looking veneers created by professional dental ceramists, offering a balance of lifelike translucency and opaque whiteness. The lifelike “flaws” requested by patients include rotating the teeth next to the center pair so they overlap a little; subtly discoloring veneers toward the gumline so it looks between-cleaning realistic; and adding grooves so the porcelain isn’t oddly smooth."

Isn't this amazing...It is taking my profession and our patients 20 years to realize what was obvious to Tricia, Jeanine and me: People want beautiful TEETH and not fake pieces of porcelain. How did we intuitively KNOW what was the right thing to do? Because the three of us are perpetual students of our craft and we never settle for mediocrity.

I am thrilled that we continue to lead our profession in the pursuit of excellence even if it takes 20 years for others to tell us that we are right. We would love to be your family dentist or your cosmetic dentist and we promise to do our very best to make you happy.