Saturday, June 30, 2012

I predicted this in 1980

My Father was thrilled when the hospital that he and my Mother went to for tests and treatment offered an HMO style of health care. He was attracted to the idea that health care would cost less and keep costs down. I warned him that this would lead to a decline in the quality of care that he and my Mother were receiving. But what did I know? Well when my Father was hospitalized for his Crohn's disease, the care was excellent and bed pans were collected after use. Fast forward to the mid 1990s when he had another hospitalization for Crohn's and it was THREE HOURS before the bed pan was removed.

There was a story yesterday on the internet that there is a shortage of physicians and nurses and the author was bemoaning the fact that care will become mediocre.

I told my Father that this was the inevitable consequence of an insurance dominated health care system but neither he nor anyone else would believe me.

Let's be honest... A good plumber or electrician makes a greater income than the average physician and doesn't have to pay for an education that cost $350,000.

No one wants to pay for health care when they are young and feeling great...but what happens to our parents as they age and see their doctor several times a month?

The best and the brightest college graduates are no longer willing to become physicians because the cost is too great and income too small for the effort.

I could have told you this in 1980...But then again, I did but no one was listening.