Friday, June 29, 2012


Most humans desire recognition.In fact, recognition is a human need and it is something that we crave more than money.All the studies suggest that workers appreciate a bosses recognition of doing a good job more than they appreciate a raise.

I have receached the point in my career where I have a significant amount recognition. Recently a dentist in Albany sent me a patient because he could not understand why the bonding that he placed on one of his elderly patient's teeth kept breaking off. I took some models and placed them on a machine which approximates how the teeth sit in the jaws and I discovered the reason for the breakage. When I called the young dentist he was amazed that I had solved his patient's problem.

Just today, two young dentists told me that I was the only restorative dentist (a dentist that just fixes teeth) that they could call to discuss their challenging cases. They then asked, "Who would we call if you were not here?"

I must tell you that I never had the luxury of having a highly educated and talented local dentist that could help me with my challenging case. I either had to fly to Seattle, WA or drive 5 hours each way to Buffalo, NY to get help with my cases.

I am delighted that I have reached the point in my career for being recognized as the dentist who understands how mouths break down and then how to fix them. there is ONE good thing about getting older. lol