Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"Thank You For Saving My Mother's Life"

Early this afternoon I was removing large amounts of decay from the tooth of an 88 year old patient when I realized that she had become unresponsive to my simple requests to open her mouth. This was not a medical crisis as such because she was breathing on her own and did not appear to be in distress. I stopped treatment and went into the waiting room to inform my patient's daughter that her Mother's usually alert nature had significantly changed and that I was going to call 911. I returned to the treatment room and requested that my staff get our patient a glass of water and an aspirin because the possibility existed that she had suffered a small stroke.

The rescue squad arrived within two minutes and initiated treatment which included taking our patient to the hospital.

This evening I received a call from my patient's daughter thanking me for saving her mother's life and that indeed her mother had suffered a stroke but was recovering.

My job is to take care of my patients and today I did just that.

It is a privilege and a pleasure to take care of you on a daily basis and I thank you for trusting me and my staff.