Sunday, June 2, 2013

37 Years

This week I began my 37th year practicing dentistry. This is far more than half of my life.
Dentistry was, is and will always be one of the most important parts of my life. It is my life's work.
I BELIEVE and my long time staff would confirm, that we giving our patients the best care that we have ever provided. Many other dentist's personal health, passion and skills decline as they age and approach the end of their careers.

I have been blessed with the ability to have  passion for what I do, great health (great neck and back muscles, great eye sight and talented and stable hands) and the desire to do what I have always done:

Take care of my patients.

My commitment to take care of you is as strong or stronger than the first day that I began as a dentist.

Thank you for being my patient.