Friday, May 12, 2017

The Inside Story

Patients think that when they go to discount or Corporate owned dental offices (Example: Aspen) that they are getting the same EXACT quality of dental care that their local dentist provides but only cheaper.

Not even close.

The best dentists take care of their patients and are paid a commensurate fee for excellence. Corporate dental offices take care of profits by treating lots of people and performing the maximum amount of dentistry.

One way that Corporate dental practices keep their fees lower  is by mandating that the dentist only use certain labs that are also primarily concerned with profit rather than quality.

This article in the Dallas Morning News is about the closing of dental laboratories in Texas because Corporate and Insurance based dentists are forced to use overseas labs.

If your insurance company doesn't care about quality...and it doesn't
And Corporate Dental Offices don't care about quality

Then who is going to care about YOU?

There is a fine line between maximizing profits and providing great care to your patient.

In our office taking care of our  patients is our primary concern.