Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kind Words from a Colleague

I am truly amazed when a dentist who only knows me by my work says nice things about me and the quality of my work. The ACE forum was discussing Groupon and my initial comment was that I only compete with other dentists on QUALITY and not on price. A dentist thought that in the 'modern world' (Aside: which means that mediocrity is the new standard of 'excellence') that a dentist like me should consider the concept of Groupon ie discount dentistry.

He said the following: Those that adapt and embrace will succeed. I am not saying that Gerald won't succeed at what he does, that man has some skills. But I think it would behoove him and anyone else to take a look at everything and figure out how it could fit in their office.

I am again honored that my colleagues recognize that the work that I do for you is wonderful.

You, as my patient, should also feel great in that you KNOW for a fact that other dentists admire YOUR DENTIST'S work.