Thursday, April 7, 2011

What is Obvious to Some

The average dentist works 30-35 hours a week and is exhausted at the end of the week.
I have worked 50-60 hours a week for almost 35 years and have loved almost every minute of it. I never take lunch or go on vacation. My last vacation was in 1985.
Some on the ACE forum questioned my sanity when I posted this information about myself. But then the highly regarded psychologist and noted dental coach/business consultant Dr. June Darling said the following about me:

"Gerald is traveling a different road. He aims to be the best in the world. He's energized rather than exhausted by his work."

I could not be more honored by Dr. Darling's observations.

I LOVE doing dentistry and I LOVE taking care of my patients. I do not sell dentistry but I do sell excellence.

Why would you want someone to take care of your teeth that does not LOVE dentistry? I cannot answer that.