Friday, April 29, 2011

Like No Other Course

Last night, the Root Canal Expert's Education Center for Dental Excellence began our 2-3 year course in earnest. We are going to treat one patient, at no expense to our patient, utilizing the best knowlege that we have regardless of time or cost for the benefit of educating our younger dental colleagues; We are trying to infect dentists who have about 10 years of experience with EXCELLENCE.

Last night we had our first LIVE surgical session to remove a mini implant that was misused to replace an upper front tooth in our patient.

Most dentists think of other dentists as their competition but in a room full of young dentists who truly want to provide excellent dental treatment for THEIR patients, we were truly a group of colleagues. If our class learns nothing about the clinical excellence that we will provide for our patient, they will learn that there are other local dentists who are like minded in their pursuit of dental excellence and this will please me and the other dental specialists teaching the course.

It is an honor to be a participant in the course in the role of teacher. I do not believe that there is another dental course like this anywhere in the country. The four teachers who are giving the course are donating our services to the patient and we are paying for all of the expenses which will be almost $20,000.

We all thank Francisco Banchs and Allyson Byrne for their foresight in establishing a Center for Dental Excellence.