Sunday, July 21, 2013

I'll Say It Again

There is not a week that goes by that several people that I meet outside of my office ask the question, " Are you a REAL dentist or are you 'just' a cosmetic dentist?"

In 1995, I created the term "BenjaminSmile" and began to use it in all of my marketing efforts  to denote a one of a kind work of art. Oh really? My Smiles are different than other dentist's smiles in that:

1.  I personally create the prototypes for my smiles by spending hours of time in designing how the temporaries and the final veneers will look. (The overwhelming majority of dentists send the models to the laboratory to create the smile that THEY think the patient should have.)
2.  I spend one to two hours customizing the temporaries in the patient's mouth  so that the ceramicist knows precisely what the final smile should look like and so that my PATIENT has a true picture of what they will look like and offer comments if they want changes.
3. The overwhelming majority of dentists that I know take the veneers out of the box, bond them to place, remove excess cement, adjust the bite and dismiss the patient. We (Tricia, Jeanine and I) do all of the above but  then  we transform the porcelain by spending a final two hours by making the porcelain look like real teeth rather than a man made smile.

This intense attention to detail in creating a smile is what has become "THE BENJAMIN SMILE."
Does this mean that my veneers are stronger or going to last longer than other dentist's veneers?

The problem is that people who are not my patients have come to take my exceptional marketing  efforts
to believe that I only do beautiful smiles.

I am a "REGULAR" dentist 95% of the time that I treat patients. We clean teeth, do fillings, crowns,  implant restorations  and  complex treatment which is referred to as full mouth rehabilitation.
It is correct that I ONLY  do restorative dentistry which means that I fix teeth and restore implants. I do not do root canal treatment, extractions, Invisilign  or gum surgery. But don't worry because if you need any of those specialities, I will refer you a fabulous specialist who is capable of treating you as well as you will be treated in my office.


If you are considering looking for a new family dentist  please consider our office.

I am not just a COSMETIC GUY.