Monday, June 28, 2010

Compliments Are Always Welcome

Dentists on the ACE Dental Forum were discussing the effectiveness of their website in attracting new patients. I apparently was the exception to rule in that ALL of my 'cosmetic' patients find me on my website but my new 'regular dental patients' visit our office because of word of mouth. One of my colleagues from Boston sent me the following email after I posted my experience with MY website:

"You are one of the exceptions. Your dental work is consistently, unbelievably fantastic. We mortals need behavioral skills. Actually, you probably have those, too. I hate you."

I am truly honored to receive compliments from my colleagues; the people that are best in a position to evaluate my work.

I guess a compliment from a colleague is in the same league as a hug from a happy patient...Today I received both...My lucky day.