Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our New Patients

We have been getting many new patients in the last two months (Thank God). Some of them are the results of our marketing efforts which include television,internet and magazines. These patients are generally not from Saratoga and have been to our website and have seen our work. The other patients do live in the Saratoga area and they arrive because they have heard their friends and neighbors say good things about my office. On Thursday, I saw a new patient from Saratoga for a consultation and she volunteered that she was not happy with her present dentist and whenever she asked others for the name of a good dentist, my name came up.

I am thrilled that our office has become known for quality in such a short period of time. I opened my new office about 18 months ago at the height of the recession in a place that probably has 60 dentists practicing in a relatively small area.

I promise my new patients that I will do everything to provide the best possible dentistry that I can to you, your family and your friends.

My 'old' patients already know this to be so.

I thank ALL of my patients for trusting me and our office.