Monday, June 21, 2010

Not Again!

Last week another disappointed 'cosmetic' patient presented to our office for a consultation. This patient spent her hard earned money (as a teacher) for improving her smile but is now terribly disappointed in the results...AND SHE IS CORRECT TO BE DISSATISFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I have said many times before, 'cosmetic dentistry' has little to do with bonding porcelain or resin to teeth. It IS however, the totality of excellence in periodontics, endodontics,orthodontics, implantology, laboratory creativity, occlusion and restorative dentistry. That is: When every aspect of the patient's treatment has an excellent outcome, then and only then is the treatment deemed to be truly 'COSMETIC DENTISTRY.'
The overwhelming majority of 'cosmetic dentistry' that we see is mediocre to lousy. Why is this? And how can this be?
1. The planning is wrong
2. The execution is average
3. The principles of fine restorative dentistry have not been followed ...if the dentist even knew the principles.

Patients MUST select their 'cosmetic dentists' more carefully. They must visit several dentists and their websites and DEMAND to see at least 20 cases that the dentist has completed. In the year 2010, any dentist doing significant amounts of 'cosmetic dentistry' should have 1200-1500 hours of continuing education (excluding vacation/study junkets, wink wink)

I am sad and disappointed when I see patients spending their money and not getting any value, satisfaction or happiness from their investment.

The slogan, "Buyer Beware" has never been more true.