Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Anyone who is above the age of 50 should remember the Art Linkletter Show, "Kids Say the Darndest Things." Art would ask the kids about any subject and then would let the children just say what was on their minds.

Yesterday we treated a 12 year old boy that I referred to my good friend Dr. Banchs for a root canal. The young boy had seen a different endodontist but the dentist could not treat the boy. The boy's step father had been a patient for many years and asked me if I would mind looking at his son's tooth. I examined the boy and knew Dr. Banchs and I could easily manage his treatment once we earned his trust....And sure enough Dr. Banchs and I successfully completed the youngster's treatment.

As the young boy was leaving my office yesterday, he grabbed a few of my business cards and said to his mother, "Now I can tell people where the best dentist is."

I am honored to have earned the trust of my young patient. Most importantly, the youngster learned a valuable lesson that the majority of adults have yet to understand.... The lesson is: All dentists are not the same and some are good, some lousy and most just plain mediocre.

No one had to tell the boy that some dentists are better than others...Even a 12 year old can see it.