Saturday, December 25, 2010

"The Best Investment I Ever Made"

"Hello Dr. Benjamin. I'd like to wish you and your staff Happy Holidays. I hope things have been well with you all.

I'm loving my smile. It really has made a world of difference in the way I feel about myself. It's the best investment I ever made. Thanks again. I may stop up sometime next week when I'm in Saratoga to say hello."

Think about how meaningful this note is to me and my staff. It's Christmas time, the treatment has been completed 8 months ago at a moderately significant cost. And yet when my patient starts reflecting on this past year in her life, my staff and I come to mind.

I truly believe that my patients are different from other dental patients ie special and that I have a completely different relationship WITH my patients than most dentists. Indeed, I really don't believe that most dentists have a RELATIONSHIP with their patients any more. Like a lot of things, it is one of the things that has disappeared. For me, I laugh with my patients, cry with them and rarely go a day without a patient hugging me.

I am indeed fortunate and honored to have all of you as my patients and I am thrilled to have been remembered by my patient at this time of the year.