Saturday, May 21, 2011

"But His Patients Are Different From Our Patients

Trisha, my office manager of 28 years and I gave a course a few weeks ago and she over heard one of the younger dentists saying to another dentist, "But his patients are different from our patients." What they are saying is that you, my patient, are different than his patient and therefore what I do for you will not 'work' or be successful in his dental office.

Do young dentists really think that YOU are different from the patients that they treat? Every patient that I treat was a patient of another dentist at one time or another. Dentists make excuses all the time as to why they can't learn new techniques or why a certain procedure would not be accepted by their patients.

Many dentists have given up trying to pursue excellence because it is really extremely challenging to take that journey.It is easier to do what they already know how to do and then convince themselves that Dr. Benjamin's patients are different than their own.

I don't understand but there is a long list of things that I don't understand

(A little secret: You, MY patient, ARE a lot different than the average dental patient because you are a lot more intelligent. You recognize that all dentists are NOT the same...A few are great, most are average and others need to find another line of work. But why am I telling you this...You already know this.)