Friday, May 27, 2011

My 35th Year

This week I begin my 35th year as a dentist.

I often hear folks talk about being 'burned out' or 'bored on the job' or 'needing a vacation.' I am not bored with my job, I am not burned out and I don't 'need' a vacation.

I LOVE being a dentist and my job gets better every single year. In fact, I am a better clinical dentist now that at any other time during my career.

Most dentists my age (63) don't enjoy clinical dentistry and are counting down the days until they retire and I feel sorry for them.

I love being a dentist and I love taking care of my patients and if I were looking to change dentists, I would look for someone who loves what they do. It is the ultimate WIN-WIN situation.

And I could care less about the money...It is NOT why I love to take care of you.