Sunday, April 25, 2010

How Do We Get There

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor." Vince Lombardi

Excellence has become a rare commodity in our society. A commitment to excellence is really a commitment to hard work and sacrifice. While others are out playing, some of us are working. Working not because of the money but because of a genuine desire to become the best.

In dentistry, it has become common to cut corners, seek shortcuts and perform without a proper understanding of how to do the procedure at hand. Dentists who fail to prepare to perform at a high level are full of blame when failure occurs. Blame the patient, blame the lab, blame the materials or the dental assistant.

Excellence is just not attainable by the average dentist. Few want to work hard to become superb at what they do. When it is more fun to play with a golf ball than it is to play with teeth then we know that mediocrity will be the result.

Some patients KNOW that there is something better out there and with the help of the Internet and some effort, excellence can be found.