Saturday, May 1, 2010

Something is Rotten in Dentistry

I friend of mine was in town to accompany his friend who was an exhibitor at a dental meeting in Saratoga. While he is a dentist, his primary career is making presentations for different companies that pay him to lecture.

What I have found is that many dentists will do ANYTHING not to have to do dentistry for their patients. They much rather talk to other dentists about doing dentistry for their patients.

There are so few talented dentists (aka craftsman) left to actually treat patients that I believe that general quality of dentists is NOT what it was 10-15 years ago AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH NATIONAL HEALTH CARE OR THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

It has to do with the middle class valuing other things than their health or their teeth. If folks don't value a very talented dentist, then fewer dentists will invest their time, money or efforts in becoming the best.

I have had many opportunities to lecture for money or represent companies for an honorarium but I would much rather FIX teeth than TALK about fixing teeth.

I want to be your dentist because I LOVE fixing teeth.