Monday, May 31, 2010


Intelligent folks care about finding competent professionals to take care of them. When someone is honest, ethical and competent then and only then, can you place your confidence and trust in him or her.

Folks that want competent professionals to take care of them rarely ask, "And do you take my insurance (as full payment)?" Mediocre dentists have to 'compete' with a great number of other mediocre dentists who force each other to participate with insurance companies. Highly educated and competent dentists are a rare breed and therefore when a patient goes looking for competence, they are willing to pay for an exceptional level of care.

I have been treating a patient for the past 5 years and when we met, I transformed a dark and worn smile into something dazzling. So beautiful, in fact, that she continually commented on her worn, dark and uneven lower teeth. Last Friday was her appointment to finally make the changes on her lower teeth and during the appointment, she commented that she was having a difficult time finding doctors that she could trust. She immediately corrected herself and said, " I never have to worry about trusting you."

I will do everything possible to earn and keep your trust in me.