Thursday, April 16, 2015

An Incredible Week

This has been an incredible week.

I returned to work on Monday.

I had really hard work outs at physical therapy with Tony DeMatteo at Saratoga Physical Therapy. He told me yesterday that I have made incredible strides in my recovery and that I have reached every goal that my surgeon set for me.

I can now get dressed by myself including socks.

I can cut my food and feed myself with my right hand.

Everyone tells me that I am more like my old self.

My surgeon and everyone involved in my recovery tells me what an devastating injury that I sustained but that has never really sunk in for me.  The day after my car accident (1976) I realized that my injuries could prevent me from being a dentist, could cost me my leg and at worst, my life. I have never been the type of person who asks, "Why Me?"  As I laid in my hospital bed almost 40 years ago, I remember thinking, "Ok, I have been injured. How am I going to get better so that I can return to my senior year of Dental School?"

From the second of my injury 7 weeks ago, the only thing that has been on my mind is, "Am I going to be able to go back to work and WHEN?"

I am so grateful for everyone's help during this crisis in my life. I feel that I am about 95% through this blip in the road...And this too shall pass.