Monday, April 6, 2015

I Am Not the Only One Who Believe This

To the Editor: 
Facing Early Death, on Their Terms” (front page, March 29), about adolescents having a say in their own end-of-life planning, is poignant and powerful. There is arguably nothing more intimate and profound than how we are cared for and how we care for others in the hours of our mortal need.
So when you repeatedly use the term “provider” to describe those professionals in the caring arts — and yes, on our best days, the healing arts — it becomes an eloquently sad commentary on the state of medical care.
Language is so powerful that it not only reflects what and how we think of things, but it also directs what and how we think of things. The term “provider” for clinical caregivers, like the term “client” for patients, depersonalizes and commodifies that which is neither and so very much more.
The more we use these commercial terms to refer to intimate and personal care, the more that care becomes commercial and impersonal. Such is the power of language.
McKeesport, Pa.
The writer is a geriatrician and family physician.