Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I am Not the Only One

I am a very strong believer in finding the very best people to take care of you. A doctor is not a doctor  and it is most important to spend some time looking around to locate the finest physicians that you can to diagnose, treatment plan and provide care for you. I was reading  a post on CNN a few minutes ago (yes I still don't sleep through the night and it is 2:24 AM) in which an actress was told that she did not have breast cancer but a friend told her that it would be wise to seek another opinion. She said:

"I am recovering and most importantly, expected to make a full recovery. Why? Because I caught this early, have excellent doctors and because I got a second opinion."

It is critical to understand that unless you live in a moderately large and vibrant city, the chance that you will find a world class physician is virtually zero. Oh yeah, you might find a "good" doctor but when you life depends on it, you will have to make an effort to seek out excellence in medical treatment some distance away...And that is why I traveled to Manhattan to have my Reverse Shoulder Replacement. I am NOT saying that the doctors in the Capital District are not good but I am saying is that knowing dentistry as well as I do, I know that  there is a large difference among physicians as far as education, skill, talent, passion, and diagnostic capabilities. 

Whether you live or die or even have a quality of life that you are use to, will depend on how you have selected your doctors.

I traveled farther than I needed and spent far more money than I would have had I remained close to home, but I found THE BEST person that I could to repair my shoulder...And yesterday I worked my usual schedule.