Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mystery Diagnosis

One of my favorite programs is 'Mystery Diagnosis.' The program shows a patient that has been having troublesome or terrific medical problems for a long time (usually two years)and despite the fact that they have gone from doctor to doctor, no one can find what is causing the problem. By the end of the half hour, the patient finally has found one of the best doctors in the world who is able to read the patients history,talk to the patient and finally examines him or her. Usually within minutes, the doctor confidently and correctly diagnoses the problem. After a commercial, the patient always asks the identical question,"Why didn't the other doctors find my problem 2 years ago?
Those of you who have kept up with my blogs easily know the answer to the poor patients question.
And for those of you who haven't read my blogs before: Some doctors should be auto mechanics while others love the status of the profession. Still others love being a physician, love to learn and are passionate and ethical about caring for their patients.
I really wish that patients would stop selecting mediocre physicians and dentists to take care of them just because they participate with an insurance company. Here is a little secret: The best physicians and dentists do not participate in any insurance program.
Please select the people that take care of you carefully because your life or the life of someone that you love may depend on it.