Friday, December 18, 2009

What Is My Job?

I saw a long time patient yesterday (25 yrs) who had a toothache and called my office. We immediately gave him an appointment on the same day that he called. I know my patients VERY WELL and I know the very significant illnesses of my patient with a toothache. I chatted with him for a while and then asked him about his toothache. I took some X-Rays and did some other tests and informed Ken that I would help set up an appointment with an endodontist (root canal specialist) near his home in Troy.
I went out to the waiting room and explained to Ken's wife the nature of his toothache and what I was going to do about it. I told her that I would have Donna call the specialist and obtain the next available appointment. "But why can't you do the root canal? Ken's wife asked. And I responded, "And what is my Job?" And all of my patients know to answer,"To take care of me!"
I have told you before that I will ALWAYS do what is my patients best interest because that it my job. Sometimes I will solve your problem and won't earn any money because I have sent you to a specialist..Ken has had serious medical problems and I know that he NEEDS an expert dentist to do his root canal so that we can avoid any medical complications.
My job is to take care of you....And that is my Life's Work.