Thursday, January 7, 2010

But There for the Grace of God Go I

I visited my local Starbucks this evening which is what I do 3-4 times a week. Sitting at a table was an older man who appeared to be homeless. He had a cup of coffee and a roll that I found out was 'donated' by one of the clerks.
As I was waiting for the baristas to prepare my coffee, I wondered how a human being could fall to such depths and I became very sad. The man was sleeping at the table and as I left the store, I shook him and handed him $5 and got a mumbled "thanks."
I always think about what would happen to me if I suffered a major setback. Would some kind soul offer me food and perhaps let me warm up for a few minutes.
I didn't give the man money because he needed it..I gave it to him because it made ME FEEL BETTER.
Watching someone suffer always makes me think of the saying, " But there for the grace of God, go I."
I found out that the man entered the store and asked the clerk if he could WORK for a cup of coffee. No one should have to beg for food.