Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Well How Would I Know if My Dentist was Good?"

I was invited to dinner by a very good friend of mine who also happens to be a dentist, although a specialist. Invariably, people will talk about their dental experiences and then ask me ,"How would they know if their dentist was good?"
Most people have children and everyone knows when their child has great anticipation about a trip or a new toy or even a birthday party. Believe it or not, when someone REALLY loves their work, their is the same excitement that you see in a child.
I love to fix teeth....I just do. Sometimes a patient will ask one of my assistants about my enthusiasm for what I do and my staff will say to the patient, " He really does love doing dentistry."
If your physician, dentist, lawyer or car mechanic loves what they do, you can pretty much assume that they are very good at what they do.