Sunday, January 31, 2010

Direct Resin Bonded Restorations (Fillings)

I have told many of my colleagues on the ACE dental Forum that the only thing that causes more destruction of natural teeth than tooth decay are dentists. Do you think this makes me popular among my peers? I don't think so.
My colleagues ask me why I don't just place a crown on a tooth since direct bonded resin fillings are going to be crowns someday anyway. To me that's like asking why be born if you are destined to die anyway...It makes no sense.
The direct bonded resin filling is THE BEST and most conservative restoration that a dentist can place WHEN DONE CORRECTLY. The problem is that very few dentists have taken the time to master the technique and consequently much prefer to do full coverage crowns.. And the best part is that they can make much more money doing a crown than a 'filling.'

So why are so many crowns placed?
1. The insurance companies encourage the removal of beautiful, natural tooth structure and the placement of crowns by the large fee differential paid for crowns compared with bonded fillings.
2. Most patients don't care if their teeth are cut down as long as their insurance company pays for most of it.
3. Dentists refuse to master the challenging techniques for the placement of tooth conserving, strong, beautiful and long lasting direct bonded resin restorations.

So what is a patient to do? Go on the internet and find the most talented, most passionate and best educated dentist that you can to take care of you. The choice is really easy.But only if you care enough to save your natural tooth structure!